A hearty welcome to our first artistic contributor, Matthew Christopher Nelson!


matthew nelson


We’re delighted to have you with us today. Please tell us about yourself—you know, all that stuff that makes you interesting!


Well, my name is Matthew. I was born in Rome, New York, the youngest child [I have 2 older brothers]. My father was military so we moved from time to time, ranging from North Dakota, to Alaska. I have my dual collegiate degree in Anthropology and Cinema and Film Studies. I have always been an artist, and a lover of daydreaming, of fantasy and science fiction. I read Tolkein’s “Lord of the Rings” at age 7, and was hooked. My favorite color is purple, making it perfect that my birthstone is amethyst.


matthew nelson monster



What medium(s) do you prefer?


I prefer pen and ink, pencil, Conte, watercolor  and sculpting.


matthew nelson rat


When did your interest in art begin?


I’ve been drawing all my life and haven’t stopped. My father was a great pencil drawer and my brothers are both talented as well, so it just came natural to me.


What other art/artists inspires you? Your work?


The greatest influences artistically are Dali, Durer, Geiger to name but a few.


matthew nelson dragon brown


What is your favorite work by you? And why is it your fav?


My favorite work by me is a small piece I was doing detailing sea monsters. I love how it came out. I love the organic naturalistic appearance it ended up having.


Where does your character inspiration come from?


Character inspiration comes from people from all walks of life. People that come and go in my life and at work give me more ideas for characters then I could even dream up.


matthew nelson giraffe


What’s your best/worst experience as a artist?


My best experience is anticipating the imminent release of my comic series “The Grove“. 


The worst was having spent many hours on a few pieces, only to have them damaged by water. I had to do them all over.


Ouch! That’s like a writer wiping out their hard drive! What do you want your young fans to know about you and your work?


If you can take away anything from me and my art, I hope that you take the idea that art is not meant to be codified, classified or pigeon-holed to look or be a certain way. Art can look however you want it, and as long as it makes you happy, that is all that matters.


 matthew nelson woods


Where can we learn more about you and your work?


My website

My Facebook page

And my Artist Page


matthew nelson otter


Where can we purchase your work (provide links) or see more of it?


Angels Cried” An anthology of over 40 artists who submitted poems and short stories.


The proceeds go to helping the families of the Newtown, Connecticut shootings.


Don’t miss my comic “The Grove“. Once you reach the webstore, just scroll down to “The Grove”. Go check it out and buy some. (Goes live 3/5/2013.)


matthew nelson logo


Matthew, thank you so much for sharing your work and your time. 

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