Killing Without A Trace – Excerpt





Lighthouse Country Club & Resort Hotel

Virginia Beach, VA


The resort’s golf courses were full of tourists—many of them children of the wealthy come to the resort for spring break. Break was supposed to be a chance to get away from their pricy colleges and universities and all the studying needed—all too frequently ignored or done by well-paid minions.


In his opinion, too many of these brats got much more than they deserved—fast cars, credit cards with high if any limits, runway wardrobes and meaningless sex with their fellow trust-fund babies.


Well, he was here to have fun, too. Looking down at the rapidly cooling blonde on his bed, the familiar urge struck him again. Too bad. He had dispatched her more rapidly than he’d intended. The bruises around her throat reminded him of the choke and revive pattern he’d allowed her to experience before the release had torn through him leaving him with no more control.


Oh, well. There are lots of curvaceous little fish in this pricey sea.

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